Monday, October 12, 2009

cargo, globalization, economics of china and USA

a video about china economie and the USA dependence of global production

Friday, September 25, 2009

ship oil or a safe enviro

It is sad to see what some people need to do in order to survive, but sometimes it is needed to do so. On the other hand, I do not believe we need to destroy the world in order to survive. I don't think we need to drive Hummers, SUV s, have cars that burn 3 gallons of gasoline (and not just regular but much more concentrated gasoline) just to warm up the engine, nor we need 890 horse power in our everyday car. I like muscle cars and all, but, is it need it? i doubt it

the question comes because of the following.

opening up oil plant can develop a new infrastructure in economy and allow hundreds of jobs, but at the same time, we are killing our environment, creating harmful gasses and destroying nature.

once again, do we really need this? follow the video link... you tell me.